Årsmøde 9/1-2023, Åben for tilmelding.

Vi glæder os til årets Danish Sleep Research Day og Dansk Selskab for søvnmedicin årsmøde. 9/1-2023.

Vi holder det i Henrik Dam Auditoriet på Panum.


Vi har programmet klar og åbner for tilmeldinger på dette link



Dem som vil deltage i SLEEP-CUP skal skrive til formand@dssm.dk med deres abstract inden 12/12-2022





8:30-9:00             Coffee and registration

9:00-9:45            Keynote lecture
Hypocretin agonists and antagonists – The future fundamental treatment of sleep
Head of research, Dr. Stine Knudsen. NevSom, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo

9:45-10:00          Questions for Dr. Knudsen

10:00-10:30        GHB (Xyrem) binds with high affinity to the calmodulin-responsive kinase CaMKIIa
Prof. Petrine Wellendorph, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, UCPH

10:30                    Coffee break

11:00-12:00       SLEEP-CUP 2022.
Young researcher competition 6 x 10 minutes.
Participants will be both clinical and basic researchers.

12:00                    Lunch and posters

13:00-13:45        Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia – components, hypothesized mechanisms, and efficacy
Prof. Robert (Bobby) Zachariae, Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University

13:45-14:00        Proposal for Guidelines in OSA and progress
Dr. Rune Frandsen, Danish Center for Sleep Medicine, Rigshospitalet

14:00-14:15        Status for surgical solutions for OSA in west Denmark
Dr. Jannik B. Bertelsen, Gødstrup Hospital

14:15-14:45        Latest statistics on treatment of OSA in Denmark
Prof. Poul Jennum, Danish Center for Sleep Medicine, Rigshospitalet

14:45                    Coffee break

15:15-16:00       Keynote Lecture
Recent developments in research on the glymphatic system and sleep
Professor Vesa Kiviniemi, Oulu University Hospital, Finland

16:00-16:15        Questions for Prof. Kiviniemi

16:15-16:35         How sleep drives the glymphatic system
PhD-stud. Natalie Hauglund, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, UCPH

16:35-16:55        Sleepiness caused by infectious disease
Associate prof. Birgitte R. Kornum, Department of Neuroscience, UCPH

16:55                    Announcement of winner of SLEEP-CUP

17:05-18:00        Board Meeting in Danish Society for Sleep Medicine (only for members).