The Danish Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symposium 5th – 6 October 2023

Til Oktober 5-6 er der Søvnapnø Symposium. Jeg håber at så mange som muligt kan deltage. Det er et spændende program de har samlet. Som vi også talte om ved Årsmødet er søvnapnø i rivende udvikling og vi kommer til at øge diagnostik og behandling kraftigt over den kommende tid.

Vh Rune Frandsen



Link til program.

Dear Colleagues and Friends

The Danish ENT Academy is delighted to host the Danish Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Symposium 2023. The Symposium is being held on the 5th and 6th of October 2023 at the Comwell Køge Strand Hotel, Strandvejen 111, 4600 Køge, Denmark.

We welcome you all, both presenters and delegates to this exciting scientific program, translating new basic knowledge to clinical practice focusing on new diagnostic and therapeutic options in the management of OSA.

We have a great line up of speakers, both Danish and International. There is included a poster section, and we encourage submissions to this research presentation platform.

We trust this will provide fruitful and productive discussion for all our sleep apnea colleagues, both doctors and nurses. The language of the Symposium is English.

We welcome you to the Symposium, to Køge and to Denmark.