Sleep School e-Learning kursus efterår 2023

Vores kollegaer fra Helsinki har et Online Sleep Medicine kursus.

The course combines high quality expertises in sleep research (Sleepwell research program at Helsinki University Medical Faculty) and clinical sleep medicine (Sleep and Breathing Centre at the Turku University Hospital). The teachers are internationally recognized experts on their respective fields, and experienced educators. The curriculum has been created and evaluated in reference with the recommendations of the EACCME.

Aims of the course: The course “Sleep medicine” will provide the participants overview on sleep medicine and practical tools for professionals and students in the field.

Target audience: Medical doctors, nurses, psychologists and other health care professionals working in fields where patients have sleep problems, as well as students and researchers of these fields.

Methods: The course is an e-learning course. The lectures will be offered through Zoom (please, see below).

Schedule: The lectures will be given once a month on Wednesday at 16.00-18.00 EET:

Finland, Estonia, Lithuania  at 16.00-18.00 (Eastern European time)
Sweden, Norway, Denmark  at 15.00-17.00 (Central European time)
Iceland  at 14.00-15.00 (Greenwich mean time)