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Cost (light breakfast and lunch included):
400 DKK for non-members of DSSM
300 DKK for members of DSSM
09:30-10:00 Coffee and Breakfast
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks by the Chairman: Rune Frandsen
10:10-10:30 Two Nights of home Polysomnography in Healthy Children – a Feasibility Study: Malthe Pedersen
10:30-10:50 Sleep and Neurocognitive Function in Nocturnal Enuresis: Britt Borg
10:50-11:10 Narcolepsy in Children: Poul Jennum
11:10-11:30 Clinical cases: Patient with ADHD and Sleep Attacks
Patient with Kleine-Levine: Laura Ponsaing
11:30-11:50 Sleep Screening Questionnaire – Children and Adolescents: a Validated Danish Questionnaire:
Cecilie Paulsrud
11:50-12:30 LUNCH
12:30-13:10 Keynote lecture
Sleep Apnea in Children: Athanasios Kaditis
13:10-13:30 Sleep Apnea in Children – Data from a Danish cohort: Poul Jennum
13:30-13:50 Diagnostics and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: Tina Lildal
13:50-14:10 Clinical cases: Patients with structural brain lesion and sleep apnea: Poul Jennum
14:10-14:30 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; Common Diagnoses, and Sleep Problems: Anne Virring-Sørensen
14:30-14:50 COFFEE BREAK
14:50-15:10 Sleep in Children with Type 1 Diabetes – “Sleep-1-child” study: Cecilie Paulsrud
15:10-15:20 Closing Remarks by the Chairman: Rune Frandsen
15:20-16:00 General Assembly of the Danish Society for Sleep Medicine (only for members)